John Michell
8 - 10 minute read
John Michell (born February 6, 1933, sometimes credited as John F. Michell) is an English author. Michell is best known for his books on earth mysteries, ley lines, sacred geometry, sacred sites, geomancy, gematria, archaeoastronomy, and Fortean phenomena. He has also published on Plato, euphonics, simulacra, the lives and works of eccentrics such as Comyns Beaumont, Julius Evola, eccentric behavior such as trepanning and the Shakespeare authorship question.
Michell was educated at Eton College and at Trinity College, Cambridge1. He then worked for a while as an estate agent in London1, before seeing his first book published in 1967. His writings influenced the development of the counter-culture. Gary Lachman states that Michell's book View Over Atlantis (1969) "put Glastonbury on the countercultural map" and Ronald Hutton describes it as "almost the founding document of the modern earth mysteries movement."2 By the late 1960s Michell was closely associated with members of the Rolling Stones.1 At this time Michell took the view that "an imminent revelation of literally inconceivable scope" was at hand, and that the appearance of UFOs was linked to "the start of a new phase in our history".1
In the 1980s, Michell was a member of the Lindisfarne Association and a teacher at its School of Sacred Architecture. He lectures at the Kairos Foundation, an "educational charity specifically founded to promote the recovery of traditional values in the Arts and Sciences",3 and has also lectured at The Prince's School of Traditional Arts.
_Sacred_Geometry.png "fig:Michell's "New Jerusalem" sacred geometry diagram")
John Michell is the author of over forty books, numerous, humorous short treatises and articles in publications such as diverse as the "International Times"4, "The Temenos Academy Review"," Earth Mysteries" and The Spectator.5
Since 1997 he has written a column of humor, philosophy and social commentary in Britain's The Oldie magazine, an anthology of which was published in 2005 as Confessions of a Radical Traditionalist. His better-known works include The Flying Saucer Vision: the Holy Grail Restored (1967), The View Over Atlantis (1969, later revised as The New View Over Atlantis, (1986), which stimulated renewed interest in ley lines, City of Revelation (1972), which concerns sacred geometry, A Little History of Astro-Archaeology (1977), Phenomena: A Book of Wonders (1977 with R. J. M. Rickard), Eccentric Lives and Peculiar Notions (1984) and The Lost Science of Measuring the Earth: Discovering the Sacred Geometry of the Ancients (2006) with Robin Heath.
Michell's books have received broadly positive receptions amongst the New Age and "Earth mysteries" movements and he is credited as perhaps being "the most articulate and influential writer on the subject of leys and alternative studies of the past".6 Ronald Hutton describes his research as part of an "'alternative' archaeology which is quite unacceptable to orthodox scholarship."[^Hutton127]
Metrology and numerology
A recurring theme in Michell's books, from "Living Wonders" to "Twelve Tribe Nations" to "The Measure of Albion", is of universal truths codified in nature and continually rediscovered, from ancient times to today.
Ioan P. Culianu, an expert in gnosticism and the Renaissance, wrote in 1991 in a review of The Dimensions of Paradise: The Proportions and Symbolic Numbers in Ancient Cosmology:
"After some deliberation the reader of this book will oscillate between two hypotheses: either that many mysteries of the universe are based on numbers, or that the book's author is a fairly learned crank obsessed with numbers."7
- 1969 The View Over Atlantis, HarperCollins, ISBN-13: 9780062505781
- 1972 City of Revelation: On the Proportions and Symbolic Numbers of the Cosmic Temple, Garnstone Press, ISBN-13: 9780855110406, ISBN 0855110406
- 1974 The Flying Saucer Vision: the Holy Grail Restored, Sidgwick & Jackson, Abacus Books, Ace (mass market paperback)
- 1974 The Old Stones of Land's End, Garnstone Press Ltd, ISBN 978-0855113704
- 1975 "The Earth Spirit: Its Ways, Shrines, and Mysteries (The Art and Cosmos Series), Avon, ISBN 0380268809
- 1977 with R. J. M. Rickard, Phenomena: A Book of Wonders Thames & Hudson Ltd, ISBN 0-500-01182-6
- 1979 Natural Likeness: Faces and Figures in Nature Thames and Hudson Ltd, ISBN 0-525-47584-2
- 1979 with Plinius Scundus C., "Inventorum Natura", Harper Collins, English Latin, D. MacSweeney (translator), ISBN 0060147261
- 1981 "Ancient Metrology: the Dimensions of Stonehenge and of the Whole World as Therein Symbolized", Pentacle Books, ISBN 0906850053
- 1982 Megalithomania: Artists, Antiquarians & Archaeologists at the Old Stone Monuments, Thames and Hudson, ISBN 0500272352: Cornell University Prress, ISBN 0801414792
- 1983 The New View Over Atlantis, Thames and Hudson, ISBN 050027312X, ISBN 9780500273128;(first published as The View Over Atlantis by Sago Press in Great Britain in 1969; a new edition was published in Great Britain by Garnstone Press in 1972 and Abacus in 1973 and in the United States by Ballantine Books in 1972)
- 1984 ''Eccentric Lives and Peculiar Notions '' Thames and Hudson Ltd, reissued Harcourt Brace Jovanovich ISBN 0-15-127358-8
- 1985 ''Stonehenge - Its Druids, Custodians, Festival and Future '', Richard Adams Associates (June 1985), ISBN 0948508000 ISBN-13: 978-0948508004
- 1988 "Geosophy - An Overview of Earth Mysteries" with Paul Devereux, John Steele, John Michell, Nigel Pennick, Martin Brennan, Harry Oldfield and more, a Mystic Fire Video from Trigon Communications, Inc, New York, 1988 (reissued 1990), also by EMPRESS, Wales, UK, 95 minutes, VHS.
- 1986 "Feng-Shui: The Science of Sacred Landscape in Old China", with Ernest J. Eitel, Syngergetic Press, ISBN 10: 0907791093
- 1989 ''The Traveller's Key to Sacred England '', reissued 2006, Gothic Image ISBN 0 906362 63 6
- 1989 Secrets of the Stones: New Revelations of Astro-Archaeology and the Mystical Sciences of Antiquity, Destiny Books, ISBN 0-89281-337-7
- 1989 ''Earth Spirit: Its Ways, Shrines and Mysteries '', Thames and Hudson, Ltd., ISBN 0500810117
- 1991 Twelve Tribe Nations and the Science of Enchanting the Landscape, with Christine Rhone, Thames and Hudson, Ltd.: Phanes Press, paper, ISBN 0-933999
- 1994 At the Center of the World: Polar Symbolism Discovered in Celtic, Norse and Other Ritualized Landscapes, Thames and Hudson, ISBN 0-500-01607-0
- 1996 Who Wrote Shakespeare?, Thames and Hudson Ltd, ISBN 0-500-01700-X
- 1997 New Light on the Ancient Mystery of Glastonbury, Gothic Image Publications, ISBN 0 906362 15 6
- 2000, with Bob Rickard, Unexplained Phenomena: Mysteries and Curiosities of Science, Folklore and Superstition, Rough Guides, ISBN 1858285895
- 2000 The Temple at Jerusalem: A Relevation, Samuel Weiser, Inc, ISBN 1578631998, ISBN 9781578631995
- 2001 ''The Dimensions of Paradise: The Proportions and Symbolic Numbers of Ancient Cosmology '' Adventures Unlimited, ISBN 0-932813-89-5
- 2001 A Little History of Astro-Archaeology, Thames and Hudson, SBN-10: 0500275572 SBN-10: 0500275572, ISBN-13: 978-0500275573
- 2003 "Traveler's Guide to Sacred England, The: A Guide to the Legends, Lore and Landscapes of England's Sacred Places", Gothic Image Publications, ISBN 978090636263
- 2003 "Prehistoric Sacred Sites of Cornwall", Wessex Books, ISBN 9781903035184
- 2005 "Esoterická Anglie: pr?vodce po posvátn?ch místech, legendách a pov?stech," with Miloslav Korbelík, Eminent, ISBN 8072812343
- 2005 Confessions of a Radical Traditionalist, Dominion Press, ISBN 0-9712044-4-6
- 2006 "Prehistoric Sacred Sites of Cornwall", Wessex Books, ISBN 9781903035184 48 pp
- 2006 "Euphonics: A Poet's Dictionary of Sounds", Wooden Books, ISBN 978190426343
- 2006 The Lost Science of Measuring the Earth: Discovering the Sacred Geometry of the Ancients, with Robin Heath, Adventures Unlimited Press, ISBN 1931882509
- 2007 "The Star Temple of Avalon", with Nicholas Mann, Philippa Glasson, Robin Heath, The Temple Publications, ISBN 0955597056
- 2008 "Dimensions of Paradise, The: Sacred Geometry, Ancient Science and the Heavenly Order on Earth", forthcoming from Inner Traditions - Bear & Company
- 2008 "New Light on the Ancient Mystery of Glastonbury", Gothic Images, ISBN 0 906362 15 6
- D Fideler, "Jesus Christ, Sun of God", Page 291, Appendix 1, The Miraculous Catch of 153 Fishes in the Unbroken Net
External links
The HOPE - John Michell Includes a link to some of Michell's geometric artwork
International Fortean Organisation, FortFest Conference Lectures