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Revision #0 of Tri-State Advocates for Scientific Knowledge

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Founded in 1993¹, Associates for Scientific Knowledge (ASK) was headed by the late Ufologist Pat Packard. After his passing in June 1995, the group was renamed to the Tri-State Advocates for Scientific Knowledge (TASK).²

TASK is particularly notable for its highly detailed investigations and subsequent publication of the UFO phenomenon in Ohio, and the involvement of key UFO investigators Kenny Young and Jerry Black.

The organization's now-defunct web address was and e-mail address After disbandment, the website became a part of UFO Research: Cincinnati!.

Researchers Connected to TASK



  1. "Flying saucers here?" Cincinnati Enquirer, July 7, 1997
  2. In Memory of Kenny
  3. A.S.K. UFO Report, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1, 1995. Self-published.
  4. Report on U.F.O. Activity, May 5, 1995, self-published, internal document.