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Francis L. Ridge, born October 13, 1942, is an experienced and respected researcher and investigator involved in serious study of the UFO phenomena officially since 1960. Starting out as head of the seven- man NICAP Subcommittee (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena) in Indiana in 1960 (which was one of the rapid response teams used by the University of Colorado UFO Project in 1968), he became Indiana's MUFON State Director and FI for the Center for UFO Studies in 1989. Ridge has investigated hundreds of cases. His computer database lists over 4,000 entries for the region covering Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky & Tennessee. He operated and directed the MADAR Project (UFO detection) from 1970 to 1995. As head of The Indiana Group he also was in charge of Indiana's Rapid Deployment Team of over 30 FIs. In 1994 he wrote a book describing his efforts, "Regional Encounters: The FC Files".
Statement of Position on UFOs
"There is no doubt that most UFOs are actually IFOs. For the subset of events that cannot be explained, there is a group of sightings that demonstrates solid objects under intelligent control. I am convinced that these objects are somebody else's craft. Although I cannot prove that the intelligence behind the phenomena is ET in nature, I consider the ETH to be the least unlikely. I also feel that there is a nuclear connection (or one that indicates a cause and effect relationship with serious world events that could lead to a nuclear threat) and that the evidence in the form of military sightings indicates an overt military-type operation in the first phase, followed by a covert abduction phase."
Always very interested in Astronomy, he began a serious study of the Moon and LTPs with The Lunascan Project (TLP) in September 1995. The Lunascan Project is an EBTI (Earth-Based Telescopic Imaging) program using live and recorded CCD technology to document LTPs (Lunar Transient Phenomena). The Project now lists hundreds of members, has a Mailing List, and a web site.
Mr. Ridge is also the Site Coordinator for the NICAP web site. On January 1, 1998 he began official work on UFO, which a month later became the NICAP UFO web site, a major special evidence cataloging project for internet use.
Mr. Ridge and his wife, Carolyn, live near Evansville, Indiana, in a little town called Mt. Vernon. They have three sons, a daughter, and four grandchildren.
Contact Info
Mailing Address: Francis Ridge, 618 Davis Drive, Mt. Vernon, IN 47620
Phone: (812) 838-3120
UFOlogical Resume
- 1958-1960 - Director, CRUFO (Civilian Research: Unidentified Flying Objects)
- 1960-1972 - Subcommittee Chairman, Indiana Unit #1, NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena)
- 1970-1995 - Director, UFO Filter Center, MADAR research project (Multiple Anomaly Detection & Recording)
- 1972-1986 - State Section Director, MUFON (Mutual UFO Network)
- 1986-1995 - State Director, MUFON, The Indiana Group
- 1989-Pres - Field Investigator, CUFOS (Center for UFO Studies)
- 1995-Pres - Coordinator, The Lunascan Project
- 1998 - Coordinator, NICAP
- 1973-1986 - Monthly Status Report - Sent to law enforcement officers, news media and airport control tower in tri-county region
- 1986-1996 - Monthly, Newsletter, MUFON Indiana Monthly, UFO Intelligence Newsletter
- 1994 - Book, Regional Encounters: The FC Files